When you’re on the go or on the road you need to be able to access everything quickly, so we want to share a tip on how to add DealMaker360 to your phone’s homescreen. 

Using this method, you’ll be able to save a link to your account. The link you create will be stored on your phone’s homescreen and make DealMaker360 accessible with one touch, just like any app. We've included instructions for both Google Chrome and Safari.

Google Chrome

1. Click on the button with 3 dots (Vertical Ellipsis) in the toolbar. Tap the 'Add to Home screen' option.

2. Click Add 

3. This will place a shortcut to DealMaker360.com onto your device's home screen. EXAMPLE below 


1. Click on the Share Icon in the toolbar.

2. Choose a Name for your Bookmark

3. Click Add

4. Click Home and View Your New Homescreen Bookmark