
The Marketing Website is generated by the details from the Business Profile section. Use the preview to check the Marketing website's details. If you would like to change any details, update your Business Profile. Use this feature to market your business.

This website may contain your business name! Some Sellers prefer to begin the process of selling their business blind (without revealing their identity or their business). 


  1. Auto Approve Requests: On the Marketing Website, interested Buyers can request more information from the seller. This this toggle set to OFF, the Seller will need to approve each request before the Buyer can view the Seller’s Business Snapshot.

    With the toggle set to ON, Buyers will be able to request information from the marketing website, register, enter the system, and view the Business Snapshot without extra permission from the seller. 

  1. Public Listing: The Marketing Website defaults to OFF. Turn this toggle ON to make the Marketing Website available.

    1. Link: Use this link to share and link the Marketing Website to friends, family, social media or other Business for Sale websites.

  1. Preview: We provide a preview of what the Marketing Website will look like.